Installation, Instructions – Autoquip FREIGHTLIFT FLM User Manual
Page 52
G. LIFTING CHAIN INSTALLATION DETAILS (Reference Figures 26 through 28)
Items needed:
2 Lifting
2 Counterweights
Lifting Chain Master Link Assemblies
1. Familiarize yourself with the drive base layout on top of the lift, ensure that all
components are present and oriented as shown in Figure 24.
2. Find the two (2) equal lengths of lifting chain, lay out on a clean surface.
3. Raise each chain up to the drive base, lower one end of the chain down the mast
beam to the carriage upright and wheel guides. Lay the other end up and over the
sprocket on the top of each mast as shown in Figure 26.
4. Make sure that the carriage is level at the lower level before connecting one end of
the lifting chain to the wheel guide with the hardware listed & provided as shown in
Figure 27a and b.
5. With all chains in place, make sure that each of the chains have the equal number of
links to the top of sprocket & that they are equally tight by lifting them over each drive
sprocket and the free end down into its respective counterweight tubes.
6. Break the free end of each chain at 12-13 inches below each sprocket (again, with
the carriage resting on the ground).
7. Using the hardware provided, attach a counterweight to the end of each chain as
shown in Figure 28.
8. Slide each counterweight into its guide tube.
When complete, the lifting chain path should look like that shown in Figure 26.