The skimmer, The pondless, Waterfall vault – Aquascape PRO-Fit General Maintenance User Manual

Page 2: The pump

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Skimmers, in a nutshell, are me-

chanical filters designed to sweep the

surface of the water so that it is free

from debris. Generally, the skimmer is

designed with different filter stages

where different types of debris get

filtered out.

Debris Net (or Basket)

The net inside the skimmer is the

first filter stage of the skimmer


fig. 1). The net (or basket) will collect

leaves, twigs, seeds, and other pond

debris. It takes approximately two to

three minutes every week during the

summer to empty the debris net (or

basket). More frequent changes will

be required during the fall and spring

because of the quantity of leaves

falling off the surrounding trees. It is

a good habit during your first season

with the pond to periodically lift the

skimmer lid and check the quantity

of debris in the net. This is especially

true in the fall. Keep a mental note as

to how often your net (or basket) has

to be emptied. It’s important that the

debris net (or basket) is not allowed to

become too full – too much debris can

reduce the water flow to the pump,

and may eventually damage it.

Filter Mats

(or Filter Brush)

The filter mats (or brushes)

are the second stage of the skimmer


(See fig. ). The filter mats (or

brushes) are designed to handle

any debris that finds its way past

the debris net. The filter mats (or

brushes) will not need maintenance

as frequently, since the net will

remove the majority of the debris in

the water. Remove and rinse the filter

mats (or brushes) when you notice

the flow being restricted to the pump

or an excessive build-up of debris.

Place filters into position

The Aquascape Ecosystem

Fine wines get better with age ... the

same can be said about your new

water feature! Be patient with the

new addition to your landscape - it’s

going to look better and be easier

to maintain with every season. The

filter system is designed around the

foundation of a balanced ecosystem.

The ultimate goal is to have nature

do the work ... not you! It won’t hap-

pen overnight, but it will happen.

Don’t be surprised if your new water

garden begins to grow algae. In

general, it can take anywhere from

4-6 weeks for the ecosystem to be-

gin to develop. Aquascape produces

a complete line of water treatment

products specifically designed

to help you maintain the water

quality in your water garden and

help reduce maintenance. See your

Aquascape supplier for information

on the complete line of Aquascape

water treatment products.

The Skimmer

Fig. 1 Inside the skimmer.

Fig. Filter mat.

One of the greatest features of the


filter is that there is

very little maintenance. The system

can be run several hours a day or can

be turned off and on when desired.

Don’t forget to periodically check

that there is enough water in the


basin to properly

operate the waterfalls. When you hear

the pump “gurgling” or sucking air

you know it is time to add water.

The Pondless


Waterfall Vault

The water reaching the pump should

be relatively free of any large debris,

thanks to the fact that the water has

to pass through layers of gravel in

the MicroPondless

basin. Occasion-

ally, you may notice a reduction in

the amount of water coming over

your waterfall – this signals that it

may be time to clean the filter screen.

This process should take no longer

than five minutes. Simply unplug and

remove the pump from the skim-

mer or MicroPondless

Vault and

physically remove any debris found

on the intake of the pump. You may

also want to physically remove any

debris with your hands that may have

found its way to the bottom of the


Vault, where the

pump sits.

The Pump