Altman Lighting FollowSpot 1000Q User Manual

Instructions for setting up 1000q follow spotlight

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Packaged in 2 boxes: one contains follow spot head, second box; the standpipe, base assembly with
casters attached and yoke.

Assembling the Follow Spotlight

Screw in pre-assembled threaded standpipe into hole at center of base. Attach yoke onto the threaded
telescoping pipe. You are now ready to position the follow spot in the yoke. The 1000Q yoke has a
spacer welded to the right arm. The handwheel when positioned in the yoke shall be on the same side.
Tightening the wheel increases tension on the up and down movement of the spotlight. Some prefer the
wheel kept loosened for easier movement, adjust to your preference. Your follow spot is assembled and
ready to use.

When first igniting the lamp, you may see smoke. This is normal
during burn-in. It will disappear after a few hours usage. If
controls appear stiff, they will correct with use.

The iris leaves, constructed of stainless steel, must be tempered.
Igniting the lamp, closing the iris and letting it burn-in for 2
minutes will accomplish this. Reopen the iris fully to allow for
cool down. Repeat this procedure until iris stops smoking and
leaves have turned a bluish/black color. Do not ‘burn-in” iris
for more than 2 minutes each time, you could cause severe
damage to iris leaves.
Tempering should be completed after a
few burn-ins.

Lamping: Use a cloth towel to hold the lamp. Apply slight
pressure to install lamp into socket. Be sure to wipe lamp clean
of any fingerprints, oil or dirt. A dirty lamp will blister and burn
out prematurely. The lamp to use is the 1000W FEL….Always
keep a spare lamp with follow spot.

The 1000Q follow spot draws 10 amps. If you use an extension cord, it must be made of minimum 14-
Guage wire.

If you have any questions, the Altman dealer from whom you purchased this follow spot will assist you. Be
sure to ask him for an Altman follow spot brochure to learn of other models available.

The parts/diagram list provided is also used for manufacturing
purposes. Some illustrations shown, are complete assemblies,
which can not be sold as individual parts.