Altman Lighting Star Par Spotlight/Floodlight (SP-x) User Manual
Altman Lighting Lighting

L e n s
A s s e m b l y
I n s t a l l a t i o n
a n d U s e
I n s t a l l i n g t h e
S t a r * P a r L e n s i n t o t h e
L e n s R e t a i n i n g R i n g
Place the lens retaining ring on a flat surface with the three cop-
per clips facing upward. Lens is placed with the concave side
upward. Slide the lens under one of the copper clips and then
gently depress the two other clips simultaneously with the thumbs,
just enough to seat the lens in the retainer.
I n s t a l l i n g t h e
R e t a i n e r i n t o t h e
S t a r * P a r H o u s i n g
The retainer enters the lighting instrument with the three copper
clips facing the lamp and the three round plastic handles facing
the lighted object.
Place any one of the round plastic handles under the color frame
safety latch. This ensures that the other two handles miss the
molded accessory holders attached to the Star*Par housing. Push
either the left or right side of the lens-retaining ring until it is seat-
ed behind the spring leaf of the accessory holder. Then push the
opposite side behind the other accessory holder spring leaf.
There is a third accessory holder with a spring leaf. Gently push
the retaining ring behind this spring leaf if it has not seated itself
during the steps above.
C h e c k i n g t h e S t a r * P a r
L e n s R e t a i n i n g R i n g
A simple test to assure proper installation of the lens-retaining
ring should be performed after every lens change. The procedure
is as follows:
Rotate the lens-retaining ring within the fixture by way of the
attached round plastic handles. The ring should spin smoothly
with little effort 360° clockwise and counterclockwise. The
attached round plastic handles should pass through the slot on
the accessory holder closest to the fixture, uninhibited. If any of
the above tests are not satisfactory, then the retaining ring must
be removed and reinstalled following the steps above.
R e m o v i n g t h e
S t a r * P a r L e n s
R e t a i n i n g R i n g
To remove the lens-retaining ring from the Star*Par housing, be
sure that one of the round plastic handles are positioned under
the color frame safety latch. Depress the two adjacent spring
leaves on the left and right accessory holders and gently pull the
lens retaining-ring out of the lighting fixture.
57 Alexander Street, Yonkers, NY 10701 Tel: 914.476.7987, 212.569.7777, Fax: 914.963.7304, Toll free: 800.4.ALTMAN
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Altman Lighting, Inc. is a subsidiary of Altman Stage Lighting Company, Inc.
Altman Lighting Star*Par™
Catalog Numbers