Allen&Heath DR66 USER GUIDE User Manual
Page 22

DR66 & DR128 Installer User Guide
XLR Output Connections
Differentially balanced, low impedance line level outputs are provided on XLR. These are capable
of driving long cable runs to the amplifier racks without loss or interference pickup. Use balanced
connections wherever possible. To drive unbalanced equipment inputs wire the plug as shown on
the right. Use high grade shielded cables for audio connections.
Calibrating Output Level
DR66 Set the internal jumper in the –10dBV position to match low level equipment, or in the
+4dBu position to match high level equipment. The high position is best for +4dBu or 0dBu
professional equipment. DR128 Adjust the internal trimmer by carefully inserting a small flat
bladed screwdriver through the access hole shown, locating it in the trimmer slot and rotating it to
set the output operating level over its 12dB range to match the destination equipment. Adjust from
+4dBu to –8dBu (-10dBV). Do not use excessive force.