Allen&Heath GL4000 USER GUIDE User Manual

Page 23

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addition to the main L and R outputs the GL4000
includes a secondary pair of outputs called L2
and R2. These follow the LR mix and may be
selected either pre or post LR faders. As with
the matrix outputs an OUTPUT REVERSE
switch is included on each to swap the L(R)2
jack output with aux 9(10) XLR and to switch in
the insert. Use this when you need to drive long
cable runs, interface with standard XLR
multicores and cables, or insert EQs, delays or
other signal processors.

Typical applications include:

Additional stereo speaker feeds - For
zoning, dual speaker systems and delay fills.

2-track Recording - For an independent feed
from the LR mix, pre or post fader. Can also be
used as a simple stereo broadcast feed.

L(R)2 MASTER - Selects and controls the L
and R secondary outputs. Adjust LEV to trim
the output level to match the connected
equipment. ON switches the output on or off.
AFL lets you monitor the signal post level trim,
post insert but pre ON switch.

METER - 12 segment, 3 colour peak reading
meter for L and R. Each meter can be switched
to monitor either the main fader signal (normally
L and R) or the small fader signal (normally aux
9 and 10). The switch does not affect the
optional VU meterpod which always follows the
main fader signals. The L and R meters can be
switched using STEREO PFL METER to be
interrupted by stereo PFL when selected.

L(R) MASTER - The LR mix is normally
controlled using the 100mm faders. If L(R)
is pressed the main faders follow the aux
9(10) signals and L(R) is available on the small
faders. As with the groups: automated MUTE,
pre fade mix meters, matrix sends and AFL are

L(R) TO MONO - The required amount of post
fade L and R signal may be added to the M mix
using these controls. You can create a quick
mono output by mixing in equal amounts of L
and R signal. You can also use L and R as
additional subgroups to M.