2 wireless bridge – radio gui screen – AirLive WH-9100MESH User Manual
Page 49

8.3.2 Wireless Bridge – Radio GUI Screen
Click the entry on the left hand navigation panel for Wireless Bridge - Radio when bridge mode set as
Auto Bridging, directs you to this page
MAC Address:
This is the MAC Address for WLAN card that is for bridge function.
Wireless Mode:
WH-9100MESH supports 802.11 b/g Mixed, 802.11g Super and 802.11a modes
When the
’s AP is working, we don’t suggest you set up the bridge’s
Wireless mode as 802.11g Super mode. This is because the 802.11g Supper mode occupy
large frequency bandwidth, it may interfere the AP’s radio signal.
Tx Rates:
When set to AUTO, the unit attempts to select the optimal rate for the channel. If a fixed rate is
used, the unit will only transmit at that rate.
Channel No:
The channel number is a means of an assigning frequency that device uses it to
transmit/receive data. The channel number should be same as the one using on the devices
those will be bridge together.
Tx Pwr Mode:
It is same as AP, support Off, Fix and Auto modes. At Fix mode, there are 5 signal levels you
can select (1 being the smallest power level). If you want to prevent any radio frequency
transmission, set Tx Pwr Mode to off.
Propagation Distance
This parameter relates to adjust the timing of
WLAN MAC. To make sure the radio signal
can reach to the device at other end, set the
distance based on the distance between this
AirLive WH-9100-MESH User’s Manual