AiM SmartyCam ver 1.22 User Manual
Page 21

User Manual
Release 1.22 – firmware version 1.03.10
• GPS CONF: loads the database of tracks to be shown in the dedicated area set
with SmartyManager; the database has been transmitted to SmartyCam micro SD
with SmartyManager;
• OVERLAY CONF: loads overlay database transmitted to SmartyCam micro SD
through SmartyManager;
If SmartyCam micro SD contains only one of these configuration files (only FILE NAME,
only GPS CONF or again only OVERLAY CONF), that one is set.
: loading new configuration files the previous ones are overwritten.
Refer to chapter 5 and to SmartyManager user manual for further information. – Accelerometer calibration: “ACCEL CALIBR” option
Great attention must be given to the accelerometer calibration procedure, because it
impacts on acceleration data accuracy and on correct frame choice.
To set calibration parameters place the camera on a plane surface, switch it on, select
“ACCEL CALIBR” option and click “Calibr”.
To keep correct calibration parameters even once SmartyCam is installed on the vehicle,
these steps must be followed:
• install the camera;
• select “ACCEL CALIBR”;
• the 2 coordinate axis appear: balance point can be fixed referred to the axes and
pressing “Calibr” or pressing “Prev” and making the image be perfectly ranged and
centred: press “Calibr” to fix calibration point. – “TRACKS” option
Tracks page allows to select how to load tracks (“MODE”), see the tracks loaded
(“SHOW”) and view some information on the tracks loaded (“TRACKS INFO”).
Allows to load a track if SmartyCam overlay has one. Management modes are MANUAL
and AUTO (Automatic). At very first start up SmartyCam is set on “AUTO”, then the last
setting is stored.
In “MANUAL” mode, when GPS signal is strong enough three situations can occur:
• there are no tracks in a 5 km radius: SmartyCam sets the first of the list and
shows “MANUAL” mode and track name;
• there are more tracks in a 5 km radius and the selected track (at very first
switch on the first of the list) is among them: the page shows MANUAL mode and
track name.
• there are more tracks in a 5 km radius BUT the selected one (at very first switch
on the first of the list) is not among them: SmartyCam shows: mode “MANUAL”,
name of the track previously set and name of the track actually set and used in
SmartyCam overlay.
To switch from “MANUAL” to “AUTO” mode press CHANGE. In this new situation with a
GPS signal strong enough two situations can occur:
• in a 5 km radius there is one only track: SmartyCam shows that track;
• in a 5 km radius more tracks are available: two lap tracks are to be run and the
track is detected and set in SmartyCam overlay.
Pressing “CHANGE” from “AUTO” mode user is sent straight to the track manual
selection page.