22) will my ozone generator help the ozone layer – A2Z Ozone SP - Series User Manual

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Shock treat with Hydrogen Peroxide 35% ( 100mL / 1000 Liters pool water )

Keep pool clear of leaves and debris

Check and clean basket daily. Backwash regularly.

Use Algaecide if required – consult supplier for ozone compatible type

20) What special maintenance does the ozone generator system require?

Check Non-return valve for signs of water returning into the tube to the ozone
generator - replace if necessary.

Check the silicone tube for deterioration - replace if necessary

Check unit internal air filter for blockage

Check that small, fine bubbles are coming from pool return jet

Make sure no debris or dirt is blocking fan guards

Use the fingertip test on the air inlet port to the ozone generator to check that suction is
still present and Venturi injector is working correctly

21) How do I know if there is enough ozone for proper sanitation?

This can be a difficult question to answer. Experts have not been able to develop a minimum or

maximum level for ozone in swimming pool water because of the multiple variables involved

such as air temperature, water temperature, humidity and bather load. Pool owners who have

been using chlorine of bromine for a few seasons know how much sanitizer they use in a season

or year. Installing an ozone generator in these pools has resulted in a significant reduction in the

amount of chemical sanitizer used. The longer the ozone operates each day, the greater the

reduction in chemical sanitizers. Pool owners have had reductions in sanitizer use of 50 to 90%.

Your savings may vary based on pool usage factors. Ozone is not sold on the basis of being less

expensive than other sanitizers such as chlorine and bromine are. Its value is in smoothness and

sparkles to the pool water, elimination of the dry, itchy skin that chemicals can produce burning

red eyes and bleached bathing suits. Other important advantages include reduced pool

maintenance and reduced exposure to toxic chemicals in storing, handling and swimming.

22) Will my ozone generator help the ozone layer?

Ozone from a swimming pool ozone system will not add anything to the atmosphere or the

ozone layer. When injected into the water properly, no ozone escapes into the atmosphere.

Even if it does get into our atmosphere, it is like a drop in the ocean. Also, the ozone would have

to be transported 9 to 18 miles up. The ozone layer that you may have heard about is a layer of

mostly oxygen and ozone that is located in the lower stratosphere between altitudes of 9 and 18

miles. The ozone results almost entirely from oxygen (O


) splitting apart into two atoms of

oxygen (O


) by solar ultraviolet radiation (the sun's UV rays) and then combining with molecular

oxygen (O


) to form ozone (O


). Atmospheric ozone plays a critical role for the earth by

absorbing the ultraviolet radiation from the sun with a wavelength of between 240 and 320

nanometers (nm), which would otherwise be transmitted to the Earth's surface. This radiation is

responsible for sunburn to human skin. In addition, the incidence of skin cancer has been

statistically correlated with UV light intensities of 290 to 320 nm.