BURY ChargingCradle Universal User Manual
Page 17

8. Charging the phone in the cradle
If a corresponding cable is connected to the telephone, the smartphone that is positioned in the BURY
ChargingCradle Universal cradle will be supplied with electrical power (please refer to the picture). The
conduction of the electricity supply occurs from the electronic box or the charger.
9. Initialising the BURY ChargingCradle Universal
After the power supply of the electronic box or the charger is successfully connected, the BURY Charg-
ingCradle Universal is activated when you have started the vehicle.
The BURY ChargingCradle Universal has an inductive antenna coupling. This means that the function-
ing of the integrated antenna in the corresponding smartphone is transferred to an external antenna.
This also means that a GSM antenna must be connected to the BURY ChargingCradle Universal which
is being used, otherwise the send-receive performance will be restricted.