BURY ChargingCradle Universal User Manual

Page 11

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Step 3:
Adjusting the corner fastener.

Adjust the corner fastener to the thickness of the phone – increase the depth by turning it in a clock-
wise direction, tighten it by turning it anticlockwise.


Installing the BURY ChargingCradle Universal in the vehicle

First of all, please choose the most convenient position for the BURY ChargingCradle Universal by
checking different positions in the vehicle. The mounting of the Dash Mount Adapter may be different,
depending on the vehicle. In this context, it may be necessary to purchase additional tools such as
a console or a mounting bracket separately through your specialist retailer.

After having found a suitable position for the BURY ChargingCradle Universal in the vehicle you can
now mount the device.


When positioning the BURY ChargingCradle Universal please take care that the device

does not impair the view onto the road, that it will not be installed in the impact zone of
the passenger compartment (amongst others in the airbag inflation zones) and that the
cable may be laid without any problems.

Please avoid direct sunlight on the device or high internal temperatures, which can be

rapidly reached in parked vehicles. In such cases, remove the BURY ChargingCradle Uni-
versal and put it in the car glove pocket or glove box for instance.