I.R.I.S. Cardiris Pro 5 User Manual
Page 104
Chapter 8 – Exporting contacts
If duplicate cards are found within the CRM database itself, a
warning message is displayed. These duplicates need to be resolved
manually within CRM before the export procedure can be repeated.
Cardiris will proceed with the export procedure of other cards.
Double-click any duplicate in the list to compare the contact
Cardiris will automatically merge the matching contact information
into a single card.
To decide whether a CRM card is a duplicate of a Cardiris card and
vice versa, Cardiris follows a two-step procedure:
First it compares the value of user-specified fields (last name,
company name, etc.) Blank fields are ineligible.
Secondly, it compares the modification date of both the
Cardiris and CRM cards to the date of the previous export. If
neither the CRM cards nor the Cardiris cards have been
modified since the previous export, these cards will not be
included in the new export procedure.
Information that does not match is marked in red. Decide which
information you want to add to the merged card and double-click in
the required fields to do so. Or click AutoComplete to let Cardiris do