Snorkel TB120 2001 User Manual
Page 31

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P/N 0191914
Controls for operating the TB120 from the
ground are located on the right side of the
turntable behind the small door.
NOTE: The number of each control below
corresponds to the control’s call-out on the
next page.
1. EMERGENCY STOP: Press the red button in,
at any time, under any conditions, and the entire
machine stops — the engine turns off, the
brakes set, and nothing moves. This switch must
be out for anything on the machine to work.
engine stops and cannot be restarted,
continuously holding this switch down activates a
small, battery-powered hydraulic-pump that
supplies emergency hydraulic power for the
machine. Boom movements will be slow and
have long lag times under EMERGENCY
3. SELECTOR SWITCH: Must be in the
GROUND position for the ground-control box to
work. Must be in the PLATFORM position for the
platform-control box to work.
4. BOOM SPEED: This control determines how
fast the main boom moves in, out, up, or down.
Set it to SLOW until you are very familiar with the
way the machine works or if the platform is
working in dangerous or cramped surroundings.
5. GROUND OPERATION: You must manually
hold this switch up any time you use one of the
five platform-moving switches (see box at right)
to move the platform. Holding the switch up
increases the engine speed and activates the
platform-moving switches in preparation to do
6. MASTER KEY SWITCH: This switch works
like an automobile ignition switch. Hold it at
START until the engine starts then release it to
ON. If the engine dies in ON, the key must be
turned to OFF before it will go back to START.
NOTE: On some machines you might have to
pause about three seconds in the ON position
before going to START so the starter can
Turn the MASTER KEY SWITCH to OFF if the
platform is to stay in one position for a long time,
that will turn the engine off and save fuel.
7. ENGINE THROTTLE: Leave the switch set to
LO unless you need to warm the engine and
hydraulic oil up fast. Return to LO after warm-up.
8. BOOMS/AXLES SWITCH: This switch must
be up (BOOMS) for the booms to move. It must
be down (AXLES) anytime you use the AXLES
controls, on the top-rear of the chassis, to move
the jack or the rear axles.
9 through 13 are the platform-moving switches.
Each is a three position, momentary contact,
normally-off switch.
9. PLATFORM LEVEL: UP rotates the platform
up relative to the end of the tip boom. DN (down)
rotates the platform down.
10. PLATFORM ROTATION: CW rotates the
platform clockwise (as seen from above) relative
to the end of the tip boom. CCW rotates the
platform counterclockwise.
11. TURNTABLE SWING: CW rotates the entire
turntable clockwise (as seen from above). CCW
rotates the turntable counterclockwise.
12. MAIN BOOM LIFT: UP raises the base
boom. DN (down) lowers the base boom.
the booms. RETRACT retracts the booms.
14. (OPTION - FUEL): Before starting a dual-fuel
engine set the FUEL switch to GASOLINE or
L.P.-GAS depending on which you want to use. If
you select L.P.-GAS be sure to open the valve
on top the LP gas tank. To switch fuels with the
engine running, see the DUAL FUEL SYSTEM
decal on the inside of the ground-control box