Platform 9-3, Raising and lowering 9-3, Extending 9-3 – Snorkel S2545 User Manual

Page 39: Platform, 9-3, Raising and lowering, 9-3, Platform extend trigger, 9-3, Rated work load, 9-3, Platform -3, Raising and lowering -3 extending -3, Danger

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To turn to the left, tap lightly on the left side
of the steer switch.

To turn to the right, tap lightly on the right
side of the steer switch.


Holding the steer switch down too long may result
in a sharp turn. This is especially true when
driving and steering at the same time. It may be
easier to turn the wheels in small increments
using a series of quick taps on the steer switch.

2. Reverse the steer control direction after

completing a turn to return to a straight line
travel. The steering wheels are not


The platform rated work load is the total weight of
the personnel and equipment that may be lifted in
the platform. The work loads are stated on the
platform rating placard mounted on the toeboard
at the front of the platform.

The aerial platform can tip over if it becomes
unstable. Death or serious injury can result
from a tip-over accident. Do not exceed the
capacity values indicated on the platform
rating placard.

Capacity values indicate the rated lifting capacity
and do not indicate aerial platform stability.

Use care when entering and exiting the platform
to avoid slipping and/or falling. Securely close the
safety chain or optional swinging gate when the
platform is occupied.

The potential for an accident increases when
the swing-down rails are lowered. Death or
serious injury can result from such accidents.
Do not elevate the platform with the
swing-down rails lowered.

Be sure the swing-down rails are up, the detent
pins are engaged, and the snapper pins are
installed at each corner of the platform, except
when passing through a low clearance area with
the platform completely lowered.

Raising and Lowering

1. Place the drive/lift selector switch (refer to

Figure 9.2) in the lift position.

2. Squeeze and hold the interlock switch

against the joystick.

To raise the platform, slowly push the
joystick forward until the desired speed is
reached. The platform can be raised at
three different speeds depending on how
far forward the joystick is moved. The three
speed ranges are separated by detents
that can be felt as the joystick is moved
from neutral.

To lower the platform, slowly pull the
joystick backward. There is only one
lowering speed.


The platform can be extended and securely
locked into seven different positions. Use the
following procedure to extend or retract the

1. Stand on the non-extendible part of the

platform floor, facing the front of the platform.

2. Squeeze and hold the trigger (refer to Figure

9.3) while pushing or pulling on the
retractable rails.

Figure 9.3—Platform Extend Trigger

3. Release the trigger when the platform is at

the desired position.

4. Try to move the rails back and forth to make

sure they are locked in position.

S2545 – 0410002

page 9 - 3

Chapter 9. Operation


