Set-up and start-up, 1 set-up 7.2 start-up – Lukas P 650 Series User Manual

Page 19

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7. Set-up and start-up

7.1 Set-up

7.2 Start-up

Combustion engine units and electrical units must not be used in a potentially
explosive situation (danger of the formation of sparks). Units with combustion
engines must not be used in enclosed spaces, as there is a danger of poisoning
and/or asphyxiation!

The unit is to be set up in a suitable location (safe location /

À at surface / suf¿ cient distance

from vehicles, loads, sources of ignition, etc.).
LUKAS units work perfectly at an angle of up to 20°. However, in order to guarantee maximum
safety and

À uid withdrawal, they should be operated in as horizontal a position as possible.

Please proceed as follows:
1. First of all, check the

À uid levels in the unit.

The translucent reservoirs provide a good view of the

À uid levels in the unit. The reservoirs

have marks that indicate the minimum and maximum levels. If possible, the hydraulic unit
should be positioned on a level surface when the

À uid levels are read and the reservoirs

¿ lled.


¿ ll fuel and hydraulic À uid into the correct reservoir otherwise the unit

may sustain damage!

2. On hydraulic units with an electric motor, connect the plug to the power supply at this


3. Then vent the hydraulic unit. Set all levers on the control valves to the neutral position

(see chapter "Operation"). The actual venting is carried out in the units in a different
manner, depending on the drive motor:

a) Gasoline engine:

- Detach all connectors from the sparking plugs (on the back of the unit).

- Slowly turn the engine over with the starter rope several times.

- Then replace the sparking plug connector.

b) Electric motor (mains power operation):

- Switch the motor on and then off again after approx. 10 seconds, repeat

this procedure several times. (Before switching back on,

the motor must be at a standstill!)

Before commissioning the unit for the

¿ rst time or after longer periods of inactivity,

the starter battery must be connected and the engine oil checked (units with a
combustion engine)! Replenish the engine oil if necessary!
LUKAS units are delivered without engine oil for reasons of safety!