Apple Cinema Display User Manual

Page 12

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Adjusting the Display

You can adjust the monitor’s brightness by pressing the brightness buttons on the

You can calibrate the display and adjust additional settings using the Monitors control
panel. For more information about the Monitors control panel, choose Mac Help from
the Help menu.

Finding Answers

When you have questions about your display, there are several places to look for

Over the telephone

If you can’t find answers in any of the materials provided, call
the Apple Assistance Center. (See the service and support
information that came with this display.)

On the Internet

Apple maintains a number of sites on the World Wide Web that
provide product information, software updates, and technical
support information. You can view Apple’s home page at:

In Mac Help

If you need help using the Apple Displays Software or adjusting
the display, open the Help menu and choose Mac Help. Type
the topic you want information about and click Search, or use
the table of contents to find your topic.

In this manual

Use this manual to find out how to set up your display, install
the software, and find solutions to common problems.