Apple Macintosh PowerBook Internal Modem/Ethernet User Manual

Page 12

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Start up the PowerBook, if it is not already on.


To use your Ethernet connection, open the AppleTalk control panel and choose Ethernet
from the “Connect via” pop-up menu.

If you want to use a TCP/IP-based application, make sure that the TCP/IP
control panel is configured appropriately.

For more detailed instructions on using the network control panels, see the
Networks topic area of Mac OS Help.

Using Ethernet and a modem at the same time

By using the adapter (supplied with your computer) for your combination
Ethernet/modem card, you can connect an Ethernet cable and a telephone
line to the card at the same time. Your PowerBook can communicate via
modem and Ethernet at the same time.

To use both Ethernet and the modem, follow these steps:


Open the cover on the computer’s back panel and verify that your computer has a
combination Ethernet/modem card.

Check the label on the inside of the cover. The label should show both
Ethernet and modem icons, as in the illustration below.

Ethernet/modem card label


