Apple MacBook Air User Manual

Page 47

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Chapter 3

Problem, Meet Solution



If you chose AirPort as your network in step 5, on your MacBook Air choose your

AirPort network from the pop-up list.

If the network is secure, you are prompted for a password. You can enter a private

network name by choosing the ellipsis (...) and typing the name.


If you chose AirPort as your network in step 5, when you see the AirPort status icon

indicating signal strength, click Continue in Remote Install Mac OS X.


On your MacBook Air, click the arrow button beneath the installer icon and then do

one of the following:

 If you want to reinstall Mac OS X or iLife ’08 applications, go to “Reinstalling the

Software That Came with Your MacBook Air” on page 47.

 If you forgot your password and need to reset it, go to “Resetting Your Password” on

page 48.

 If you want to run Disk Utility, go to “Using Disk Utility” on page 49.

Reinstalling the Software That Came with Your MacBook Air

Before you install:


Back up your essential files.

Apple recommends that you back up the information on your hard disk before

restoring software. You can do this by connecting the MacBook Air SuperDrive and

burning important information to DVDs or CDs, or by attaching an external hard drive

to the USB port on your MacBook Air. Apple is not responsible for any lost data.


Make sure your power adapter is connected and plugged in.