Apple MacBook (13-inch, Mid 2010) User Manual
Page 88
Looking for Something?
Play/pause key 23
plug, AC 10
power adapter
power button 12, 21
problems. See troubleshooting
putting your computer to
sleep 16
question mark, flashing 54
RAM. See memory
resetting password 16
Rewind key 23
right-clicking 27
rotating objects using
trackpad 28
general instructions 70
handling information 74
power adapter 71
screen. See also display
goes black 55
setting brightness 23
scrolling with two fingers 26
SDRAM specifications 46
secondary-clicking 27
security slot 25
Serial ATA (SATA) hard drive 37
serial number, locating 68
service and support 66
Setup Assistant 13
shutting down your
computer 17
sleep mode
indicator light 21
putting computer to
sleep 16
updating 65
Software Update
preferences 65
speakers 21
computer 33
hard disk drive 37
memory 46
SSD drive. See hard disk drive
Startup Disk preferences 54
an application 53
the computer 17
storing your computer 76
location 21
supported disc sizes 75
support, technical 66
swiping to move quickly
through documents 29
System Information 66
System Preferences
customizing the desktop 15
Energy Saver 30
Software Update 65
Startup Disk 54
technical support 66
three-finger swiping 29
AppleCare 66
computer freezes 54
computer won’t turn on 54
ejecting a disc 56
hardware problems 61
pointer won’t move 53
screen goes black 55
service and support 66
using Help Center 31, 66
Wi-Fi 64
turning on your computer 12
two-finger pinching 28
two-finger rotating 28
two-finger scrolling 26
typing position 77