Standard ridge roll and hip installation – Mueller U-Panel User Manual
Page 21

Closure for Hips
Installations apply to both R & U-Panels. R-Panel shown in illustration.
1. Ensure the roof panel is installed completely. Reference the erection drawings for the top dimension to ensure
correct installation.
2. Install the outside closure on the top of the roof panel. Make sure the closure is in line with the extended flange of the
ridge roll.
3. Repeat the above steps on the other side of the ridge making sure that the flanges of the ridge roll line up with the
placement of the closure.
4. Install the ridge roll.
5. Attach the ridge roll with lap screws @ 12" O.C. locate the screws on the high ribs to prevent dimpling of the ridge roll
due to over-tightening.
6. Before the ridge trim is installed, if the pitch of the roof is 4:12 or less, the end of the panel that is under the ridge or
hip trim should be bent up between the high ribs to prevent moisture blow back.
NOTE: Alternate trim profiles are acceptable using the screw pattern shown.