DiMarzio SDS-1 User Manual

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Procedure A is usually accomplished with the use of a router, or

motor-tool. Most good guitar shops are familiar with this procedure.
Do not attempt this job yourself without some previous experience in

the use of the tools needed for the job. In all cases, you should not
have to route into the wood under the pickup to a depth of more than




". Removal of this amount of wood should make no noticeable

difference in the performance of the guitar.

Procedure A has the advantage of allowing the pickup to be installed
without any adjustment being made to the neck or bridge. Procedure

B should be used when it appears that the extra clearance needed to
allow the strings to pass freely over the pickup is approximately




" (maximum). If you are not sure of the distance, try this:

Measure the distance between the bottom of the pickup hole in the
guitar to the first string while holding the string down at the 21st fret.

Remember, the string should have some tension to it. Now subtract
this dimension from one inch. The figure you are left with is the

distance you need to increase the space between the bottom of the
pickup hole and the string. If that distance is about




", you can

follow procedure (B) below:

If you have a Stratocaster with the built-in tilt neck adjustment, adjust

the neck to tilt as shown in the following illustrations:

Once this is accomplished, you must raise the action at the bridge to
compensate for the increased neck angle. If your guitar does not

have the built in adjustment, that is, if your guitar neck is mounted
with four screws fastening to the body, you can adjust the neck angle

in the following manner. Loosen the four screws holding the neck to
the body, and insert a small shim at the rear of the neck, as in


The shim can be any type of material, and should be thin. It can be
positioned between the two rear screws fastening the neck to the

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D i M a r z i o . c o m
