Hale PSD User Manual

Page 14

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Many Centrifugal Pump Troubles are Due to Air Leaks

Procedure to follow to detect possible air leaks:

A. Start engine with pump disengaged and with pump drained.

B. Tightly close pump drain valve as well as booster tank suction and discharge valves (if

connected to a booster tank). Tighten caps on suction and discharge openings. Then pull

out primer handle.

C. Observe hand on vacuum gauge until it reaches a stationary position; this should be 20

inches or over.

D. Release primer handle and carefully watch vacuum gauge hand. If hand drops back rapidly,

it indicates a leak, which must be located and corrected. If it stands stationary, or moves

back very slowly, it indicates either “no leak”, or a minor leak, which will not interfere with

satisfactory operation.

E. Should test indicate a leak in pump proper, the stuffing box may need adjustment, if

equipped with packing. If the pump is equipped with a mechanical seal, it may require


F. Now remove discharge cap. If vacuum gauge hand returns toward zero, more rapidly than

before cap was removed, it indicates that the self-closing poppet valve within the discharge

manifold is not properly seated and this condition should be corrected.

G. When difficulty is experienced in locating an air leak, it may be found by connecting pump

suction to a hydrant. With hydrant pressure on pump, look for water leaks, any one of

which indicates a possible air leak. When connected to a booster tank, there may be an air

leak in booster line valves - in valve proper, or around valve stem. The former may

necessitate replacement of complete valve while the latter may be corrected by replacing

valve stem.

H. Do not overlook possibility of air leaks in suction hose or couplings. To test for such leaks,

connect suction hose to pump suction, place pump suction cap over the end of the suction

hose, and test in the same manner as described above as to the motion of the vacuum

gauge hand.

I. It is a very good idea to make periodic tests for air leaks. NOTE: Excessive air leakage

may delay, or even prevent priming.