BenQ S660C User Manual

Page 136

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Network Access: Some types of Java games are only playable
online (for example, mahjong), and using the phone to go
online entails an extra cost. However, it may not be possible to
determine from a game's name alone whether or not it is an
online game. Therefore, this setting allows you to be presented a
prompt asking if you wish to go online to play a game before
actually running the program.


Always Ask: Each time you attempt to launch an online
game, you will be asked if you want to connect to the


Ask Once per AP: You will only be asked if you want to go
online the first time you attempt to launch an online game.
The next time you attempt to launch the game, the same
choice that you made the first time will be applied.


Never Ask: Each time you launch an online game, the phone
will automatically connect to the Internet, and you will not
be asked to confirm.

DNS: Here you can enter the IP address of the Domain Name
Server that you wish to use.

Bearer Mode: Before you download a Java application from the
Internet, you must set the network system that you are using to
either GPRS or CSD (dialup).

Based on the bearer mode that you have set, you will need to
make further settings for either the GPRS or dialup network.
For details on configuring GPRS and dialup network access, see
page 119.