3 rs-232 control via hyper terminal – Black Box AC506A User Manual

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1 = #1 Input
2 = #2 Input
3 = #3 Input
4 = #4 Input
a = Auto Mode
s = Scan Mode
b = Blank
u = Un-Blank
p = Priorities
r = Reset

with active VGA inputs will be determined from the last user input via
serial port as well. If there has been no user input, the default is to not scan
the non-active VGA inputs.

3.3 RS-232 control via Hyper Terminal

To use the RS-232 control interface, start Hyper Terminal with the
following settings:

Baud rate: 4800
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None

This is what the menu will look like in Hyper Terminal..

By pressing the number keys, "1", "2", "3", "4", the AC506A will switch
to that VGA input. This will also put the AC506A into Normal Mode.

Pressing "a" will put the AC506A into Auto Mode.

Pressing "s" will put the AC506A into Scan Mode. Before the AC506A
enters Scan Mode, you will be asked 2 questions. The first question will
be "Seconds between switching? (1-60)". To this question, you must input
a number between 1 and 60 then press enter. Any other input will cause
this question to be repeated. The second question will be, "Scan non-

Figure 3.1