Chapter 2: installing biguard vpn client, Software installation – Billion Electric Company CO1 User Manual

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Billion BiGuard VPN Client

Chapter 2: Installing BiGuard VPN Client


Chapter 2: Installing BiGuard VPN Client

Software installation

BiGuard VPN client installation is a classical Windows installation that does not require specific
information. After completing the installation, you will be asked to reboot your computer.
After reboot and session login, a window appears for a license number request. The license
number is shown on the CD packaging.


will close established this window and software.


allows you to continue software evaluation. Evaluation period is displayed into the

yellow bar above.


allows you to activate the software online. This requires a License Number. When

clicking on “Activate” button, an Activation Wizard pops up.


allows you to find the purchase contact window a license in Billion’s Website.


: After software installation, BiGuard VPN window can be launched:

1. From user desktop, by double-clicking on BiGuard VPN shortcut.
2. From VPN Client icon available in the taskbar.
3. From menu Start > Programs > Billion > BiGuard VPN > Billion BiGuard VPN.

On Windows NT, 2000 and XP, you must have administrator rights. If it is not
the case, the installation stops after the language choice with an error