Vpn tunnel view – how to view opened tunnels – Billion Electric Company CO1 User Manual

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Billion BiGuard VPN Client

Chapter 4: VPN Configuration






How many times a message should be retransmitted before giving



Delay between retries


Waiting time in an exchange before giving up a



Block non-ciphered connection:

When this option is checked, only encrypted traffic is


Dead Peer Detection (i.e. DPD) is an Internet Key Exchange (IKE) extension (i.e. RFC3706) for
detecting a dead IKE peer.
BiGuard IPSec VPN Client is using DPD:
to delete opened SA in the VPN Client when peer has been detected dead.
to re-start IKE negotiations with the Redundant Gateway if activated in the “Phase1 Advanced”
VPN configuration panel.

Once the parameters are set, click on “Save & Apply” to save and to take into account the new

VPN Tunnel View – How to view opened tunnels?


to see the screen shows VPN tunnels that are currently open and this

interface can be used to close them.
To close a VPN tunnel, select one tunnel in the tunnel list and click on “Close Tunnel”.
Tunnels may also be viewed, opened and closed directly from the context of the system tray