Chapter 1: introduction, Introduction to biguard vpn client, Features – Billion Electric Company CO1 User Manual

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Billion BiGuard VPN Client

Chapter 1: Introduction


Chapter 1: Introduction

Introduction to BiGuard VPN Client

Your network is constantly evolving as you integrate more business applications and
consolidate servers. In that environment, it is becoming extremely complex to maintain total
security at the edge while users being employees or Teleworkers on the go are working with
customers and partners. You need to get access to those applications and servers quickly,
easily and securely.
BiGuard VPN client is an IPSec VPN software for Windows versions that allows establishing
secure connections over the Internet usually between a remote worker and the Corporate
Intranet. IPSec is the most secure way to connect to the enterprise as it provide strong user
authentication, strong tunnel encryption with ability to cope with existing network and firewall


Windows supported versions

Win95, Win98, Me, NT, Win2000, WinXP



Full IKE support: The IKE implementation is based on the OpenBSD 3.1 implementation
(ISAKMPD), thus providing best compatibility with existing IPSec routers and gateways.
Full IPSec support: Main mode and Aggressive mode

MD5 and SHA hash algorithms

NAT Traversal

NAT Traversal Draft 1 (enhanced), Draft 2 and 3 (full implementation)
Including NAT_OA support (floating port for IKE exchange)
Including NAT keepalive


Provides DES, 3DES and AES 128/192/256 bits encryption.

User Authentication (Please see Appendix A)

X-Auth support
Preshared keying support
Support of Group 1, 2 and 5 (i.e. DH768, 1024 and 1536)
Flexible Certificate support (PEM, PKCS12, ...)

USB Stick

VPN configurations and security elements (certificates, Preshared key, ...) can be saved
into an USB Stick in order to remove authentication information from the computer.

Log console

All phase messages are logged for testing or staging purpose, and multiple files (10)
allows to easily narrow the view on specific aspects.