Behringer ULTRA-DI PRO DI4000 User Manual
Page 11

3.1 Rack mounting
The BEHRINGER ULTRA-DI PRO fits into one standard 19" rack unit of space. Please allow at least an
additional 4" depth for the connectors on the back panel.
Be sure that there is enough air space around the unit for cooling and please do not place the
ULTRA-DI PRO on high temperature devices such as power amplifiers etc. to avoid
3.2 Mains connection
The mains connection of the ULTRA-DI PRO is made by using a mains cable and a standard IEC receptacle.
It meets all of the international safety certification requirements.
Please make sure that all units have a proper ground connection. For your own safety, it is
advisable not to remove the ground connection within the units or at the supply, or fail to make
this connection at all.
Before you switch on the unit, check that it is configured to match your AC mains voltage requirements. If it
does not comply, then it is necessary to switch the operating voltage to the correct supply requirements
BEFORE turning on the unit, otherwise the unit could be severely damaged. You will find this combined fuse
holder/voltage selector at the back, adjacent to the IEC receptacle. IMPORTANT: This does not apply for
general export models which are built for one operating voltage only.
The AC voltage selection is defined by the position of the fuse holder. If you intend to change the operating
voltage, remove the fuse holder and twist it by 180 degrees before you reinsert it. Matching the two markers
shows the selected voltage.
If the unit is switched to another operating voltage, the fuse rating must be changed. See the
technical specifications in the appendix.
A safety fuse protects the unit from serious defects. If the fuse blows, this is a warning sign and always
indicates that the circuit is overloaded. The fault must always be repaired before the fuse is replaced. If the
safety fuse is faulty and needs replacing after the unit is repaired, please make sure that you replace it only
with the identical type and rating. NEVER use fuses of different ratings or cover faulty fuses with aluminium
foil. This can cause fire and electric shocks and will endanger your life and the lives of others.
3.3 Audio connections
As standard, the BEHRINGER ULTRA-DI PRO is installed with transformer-balanced outputs. This
transformer features automatic hum and noise reduction for balanced signals and thus allows for trouble-free
operation, even at high operating levels. Externally induced mains hum etc. will be effectively suppressed.
Please ensure that only qualified persons install and operate the ULTRA-DI PRO. During
installation and operation the user must have sufficient electrical contact to earth.
Electrostatic charges might affect the operation of the ULTRA-DI PRO!