Environment – Liebherr T 284 User Manual
Page 15

T 284
Tire life
Liebherr’s independent, double A-Arm front
suspensions minimize lateral tire forces by
maintaining contact with the ground over
uneven roads or while turning the truck.
Optimized for reduced wear when the truck
is driving loaded, this suspension arrange-
ment is designed to get the most useful life
out of each tire.
In order to minimize the impact on the environment, Liebherr designs and builds
mining equipment with the smallest possible environmental footprint.
Low emissions
By partnering with the leading providers of high speed diesel engines, Liebherr is
able to offer engine options for the T 284 with the latest emission technology to
satisfy US EPA emissions requirements.
Fuel effi ciency
Liebherr’s Litronic Plus drive system paired with the latest engine technology
provides excellent fuel economy. Lowering the fuel consumption of the truck fl eet
can signifi cantly reduce the carbon footprint of the entire operation.
Component exchange
The Liebherr exchange program extends component life cycles. The program
employs condition-based replacements that reduce unplanned maintenance.
Liebherr also reduces waste by overhauling components using original core parts.
Sound solutions
Factory engineered “quiet-truck” packages featuring a low speed engine fan,
enclosed engine bay, and custom muffl ers drastically reduce the truck noise
emissions. Day or night, this ultra quiet truck gives Customers the fl exibility to run
their operations without disturbing nearby residential areas.