Situation and task – Liebherr L 580 LogHandler User Manual
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Situation and Task
The Austrian family of Schweighofer has been financially in-
volved with wood as a production material for more than 360
years. Tradition, the spirit of innovation, the readiness to take
calculated risks, and the courage to take on new markets, are
the strong cornerstones of the company known as Holzin-
dustrie Schweighofer. Today, in addition to the head office in
Vienna, there are four production facilities in Romania, as well
as branches in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and the Ukraine
which belong to the company.
Four plants have been established or acquired in Romania since
2002, which ensure jobs for approximately 2,000 employees.
Additionally, 11,000 hectares of woodlands and 5,000 hectares
of agricultural land are under the company’s management. Every
year a total of ca. 2.15 million solid cubic metres of round tim-
ber are cut, dried, and planed at both sawmills at Sebes and
Radauti, which corresponds to approximately 14 million units or
45.5 million running metres of round timber.
Solid wood panels, coreboards, large-format formwork panels
and finger-joint elements are manufactured at the plants at Siret
and Comanesti. The remaining wood is further processed to be-
come briquettes and pellets. In addition to this, at the Sebes
and Radauti facilities there are three environmentally-friendly
biomass power plants in operation, which together generate a
total of 15.8 MW/h of “green electricity”.
As a replacement investment for the existing HighLifters, fol-
lowing an extensive selection process, two new Liebherr
L 580
LogHandler wheel loaders have been acquired for the
round timber yard at the Sebes mill.