Liebherr PR 764 Litronic User Manual
Page 3
PR 724-PR 764_Muell.indd 3
PR 724-PR 764_Muell.indd 3
08.10.2008 9:33:45 Uhr
08.10.2008 9:33:45 Uhr
PR 724 Litronic – PR 764 Litronic
Liebherr crawler tractors in the PR 724 to PR 764 model
sizes have purpose-built attachment kits for landfi ll ap-
plications. These ensure maximum effi ciency and service
life of the machine, even under the most diffi cult working
conditions and in aggressive materials.
A range of additional options can also be individually
confi gured depending on the application. This allows the
crawler to be optimally adapted to any task.
Work in landfi lls demands a great deal in terms of ma-
chine versatility and robustness. Crawler tractors meet
these requirements perfectly. They are used for stock-
piling and compressing refuse, but also for all earth
moving tasks, such as site preparation, building slopes,
as well as spreading and fi ne grading cover material.
PR 724-PR 764_Muell.indd 3
PR 724-PR 764_Muell.indd 3
06.10.2008 18:24:14 Uhr
06.10.2008 18:24:14 Uhr