Behringer DSP2024P User Manual

Page 15

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ULTRA BASS: This awesome combination of sub-harmonic processor, bass exciter, and limiter adds a final
touch to your music production.

STEREO IMAGER: This effect is used to process stereo main signals. The signal is first subdivided into middle
and side signal (MS Matrix). Both parts can then be amplified when desired and placed on the stereo image.

ULTRA WIDE: This effect is suitable to pep up speaker systems with an especially broad stereo image.

BINAURALIZER: The binauralizer also extends the stereo image. Additionally, it compensates for inter-
channel cross talk of both speakers (left loudspeaker on right ear and vice versa).

Tab. 2.5: Functioning of the psycho-acoustic effects’ parameters


Filter/EQ effects

FILTER: Filters, in general, influence the frequency response of a signal. A low pass filter allows low
frequencies to pass and suppresses high frequencies, while a high pass filter allows high frequencies to pass
and suppresses low frequencies.

PARAMETRIC EQ: The parametric equalizer is the most highly-developed form of equalization. You can
control the three parameters which define the so-called gauss equalizer curve: bandwidth, frequency and
amplitude boosting or lowering.

GRAPHIC EQ: Eight filter bands are arranged next to each other for this graphic equalizer. In contrast to the
parametric equalizer, frequency and bandwidth are pre-determined here.