Philips Sonicare CleanCare Brosse à dents sonique rechargeable User Manual

Page 10

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Subsequently pass the bristles to the next tooth.

Continue this procedure until you have brushed all

your teeth. Please note that brush heads wear out

sooner when used on braces.

- Dental restorations

Use the Sonicare on dental restorations (such as

implants, caps, crowns, bridges and fillings) as you

do on your natural tooth surfaces. Work the bristles

round all the areas of the restoration for thorough


- Periodontal pockets

Your dentist or dental hygienist may have indicated

that you have periodontal pockets, deep pockets

where plaque bacteria collect. If this is the case,

spend extra time brushing these areas after you have

completed the 2-minute brushing cycle to improve

your gum health.



- This Sonicare model come with the Easy-start

feature activated, which helps you get used to

brushing with the Sonicare.

- The brushing power gently increases to full power

over the first 12 brushings.

- The Easy-start feature is active if you hear 2

beeps immediately after you switch on the

Sonicare. Once the Sonicare has reached optimal

brushing power (after the 12th brushing), you no

longer hear the 2 beeps at the beginning of each

brushing cycle.

Note: Each of the first 12 brushings must be at least

1 minute long to move properly through the Easy-start

ramp-up cycle.
