Philips Licuadora User Manual
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1 Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips! To fully benefit from the support
that Philips offers, register your product at
The appliance only works when all parts are properly assembled and the lid is properly locked
in place with the clamps.
For recipes, go to
2 Important
Read this user manual carefully before you use the appliance and save it for future reference.
Never immerse the motor unit in water or any other
liquid, nor rinse it under the tap.
Do not clean the motor unit in the dishwasher.
Check if the voltage indicated on the base of the
appliance corresponds to the local mains voltage
before you connect the appliance.
Do not use the appliance if the plug, the mains cord or
other components are damaged.
If the mains cord is damaged, you must have it
replaced by Philips, a service centre authorised by
Philips or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a
This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or
instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person
responsible for their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the appliance.
Never let the appliance operate unattended.
If you detect cracks in the filter or if the filter is
damaged in any way, do not use the appliance
anymore and contact the nearest Philips service centre.
Never reach into the feeding tube with your fingers or
an object while the appliance is running. Only use the
pusher for this purpose.
Do not touch the small blades in the base of the filter.
They are very sharp.
To ensure that the appliance stands stably, keep the
surface on which the appliance stands and the bottom
of the appliance clean.
This appliance is intended for household use only.
Never use any accessories or parts from other
manufacturers or that Philips does not specifically
recommend. If you use such accessories or parts, your
guarantee becomes invalid.
Make sure all parts are correctly mounted before you
switch on the appliance.
Only use the appliance when both clamps are locked.
Only unlock the clamps after you have switched off the
appliance and the filter has stopped rotating.
Do not remove the pulp container when the appliance
is in operation.
Always unplug the appliance after use.
Noise level = 80 dB [A]
Electromagnetic fields (EMF)
This Philips appliance complies with all standards regarding electromagnetic fields (EMF). If
handled properly and according to the instructions in this user manual, the appliance is safe to
use based on scientific evidence available today.
Your product is designed and manufactured with high quality materials and
components, which can be recycled and reused.
When you see the crossed-out wheel bin symbol attached to a product, it means the
product is covered by the European Directive 2002/96/EC:
Never dispose of your product with other household waste. Please inform yourself
about the local rules on the separate collection of electrical and electronic products.
The correct disposal of your old product helps prevent potentially negative
consequences on the environment and human health.
3 Overview
a Pusher
g Juice collector
b Lid with feeding tube
h Spout
c Filter
i Clamp
d Driving shaft
j Juice jug with lid
e Pulp container
k Cord storage compartment
f Control knob
4 Before first use
Thoroughly clean the parts that come into contact with food before you use the appliance for
the first time (see chapter ‘Cleaning’).
Always check the filter before use. If you detect any cracks or damage, do not use the appliance.
Make sure the clamps on either side of the lid are locked into position.
To keep your juice fresh longer, put the cover on the juice jug after juicing.
5 Using the juicer
Do not operate the juicer for more than 40 seconds.
Turn the control knob to setting 1 (low speed) or 2 (normal speed).
Speed 1 is especially suitable for soft fruits and vegetables such as watermelons, grapes, tomatoes and
Speed 2 is suitable for all other kinds of fruit and vegetables such as apples, carrots and beetroots.
Do not exert too much pressure on the pusher, as this could affect the quality of the end result. It
could even cause the filter to come to a halt.
Never insert your fingers or an object into the feeding tube.
If the pulp container becomes full during use, switch off the appliance, carefully remove the pulp
container and empty it.
Reassemble the empty pulp container before you continue juicing.
After you have processed all ingredients and the juice flow has stopped, pour the juice from the jug
into the glass.
6 Tips for juicing
Use fresh fruit and vegetables, as they contain more juice. Pineapples, beetroots, celery stalks, apples,
cucumbers, carrots, spinach, melons, tomatoes and grapes are particularly suitable for processing in the
juice extractor.
You do not have to remove thin peels or skins. Only remove thick peels, e.g. those of oranges,
pineapples and uncooked beetroots.
If you want to juice fruits with stones, remove the stone before juicing.
Apple juice turns brown very quickly. To slow down this process, add a few drops of lemon juice.
Fruits that contain starch, such as bananas, papayas, avocados, figs and mangoes are not suitable for
processing in the juice extractor. Use a food processor, blender or hand blender to process these
Leaves and leaf stalks of e.g. lettuce can also be processed in the juice extractor.
The juicer is not suitable for processing very hard and/or fibrous or starchy fruits or vegetables such as
sugar cane.
7 Healthy recipe
Horseradish soup
80g butter
1 liter vegetable broth
50ml horseradish juice (approx. 1 root)
250ml whipping cream
125ml white wine
Lemon juice
3-4 tbsps flour
Peel the horseradish with a knife.
Juice the horseradish.
This appliance can process 3.6kg of horseradish in approx. 2 minutes (not including the time required
to remove the pulp). When you juice horseradish, switch off and unplug the appliance and remove the
pulp from the pulp container, the lid and the sieve after you have processed 1.2kg. When you have
finished processing the horseradish, switch off the appliance and let it cool down to room temperature.
Melt the butter in a pan.
Slightly sauté the flour.
Add the broth.
Add the horseradish juice.
Add the whipping cream and white wine.
Add lemon juice and salt to taste.
Cleaning and storage
Never use scouring pads, abrasive cleaning agents or aggressive liquids such as petrol or acetone to
clean the appliance.
Never immerse the motor unit in water or any other liquid, nor rinse it under the tap.
Cleaning is easier immediately after use.
Switch off the appliance, remove the plug from the wall socket and wait until the filter
has stopped rotating.
To remove the detachable parts from the motor unit
Clean these parts with a cleaning brush in hot water with some washing-up liquid and
rinse them under the tap.
Clean the motor unit with a damp cloth.
Use a soft brush to clean the filter.
You can also clean all parts except the motor unit in the dishwasher.
9 Guarantee & service
If you need service or information or if you have a problem, please visit the Philips website at or contact the Philips Consumer Care Centre in your country (you can find
its phone number in the worldwide guarantee leaflet). If there is no Consumer Care Centre in
your country, go to your local Philips dealer.
1 Indledning
Tillykke med dit køb, og velkommen til Philips! Hvis du vil have fuldt udbytte af den support,
som Philips tilbyder, kan du registrere dit produkt på
Apparatet virker kun, når alle dele er korrekt samlet, og låget er korrekt fastlåst med
Du kan finde opskrifter på
2 Vigtigt
Læs denne brugsvejledning omhyggeligt igennem, inden apparatet tages i brug, og gem den til
eventuelt senere brug.
Motorenheden må aldrig kommes ned i vand eller
andre væsker eller skylles under vandhanen.
Rengør ikke motorenheden i opvaskemaskinen.
Før der sluttes strøm til apparatet, kontrolleres det, om
den indikerede netspænding på apparatets basisenhed
svarer til den lokale netspænding.
Brug ikke apparatet, hvis stik, netledning eller andre
dele er beskadigede.
Hvis netledningen beskadiges, må den kun udskiftes af
Philips, et autoriseret Philips-serviceværksted eller en
tilsvarende kvalificeret fagmand for at undgå enhver
Dette apparat er ikke beregnet til at blive brugt af
personer (herunder børn) med nedsatte fysiske
og mentale evner, nedsat følesans eller manglende
erfaring og viden, medmindre de er blevet vejledt eller
instrueret i apparatets anvendelse af en person, der er
ansvarlig for deres sikkerhed.
Apparatet bør holdes uden for børns rækkevidde for at
sikre, at de ikke kan komme til at lege med det.
Lad aldrig apparatet køre uden opsyn.
Hvis du opdager revner eller andre skader på filteret,
må juiceren ikke bruges. Kontakt din Philips-forhandler
eller det nærmeste Philips Kundecenter.
Stik aldrig fingre eller køkkenredskaber ned i
påfyldningstragten, mens apparatet kører. Brug kun
nedstopperen til dette formål.
Undlad at berøre de små skær i bunden af filteret. De
er meget skarpe.
For at sikre at apparatet står stabilt, skal du holde
overfladen, hvor apparatet står, og bunden af apparatet
Dette apparat er kun beregnet til almindelig
Brug aldrig tilbehør eller dele fra andre fabrikanter eller
tilbehør/dele, som ikke specifikt er anbefalet af Philips.
Hvis du anvender en sådan type tilbehør eller dele,
annulleres garantien.
Kontrollér, at alle dele er sat korrekt på, inden juiceren
Spænd altid begge låseklemmer, inden du bruger
Låseklemmerne må først løsnes, når du har slukket for
saftpresseren, og filteret er holdt op med at rotere.
Fjern ikke beholderen til frugtkødet, mens juiceren
Tag altid stikket ud, efter du har brugt apparatet.
Støjniveau = 80 dB [A]
Elektromagnetiske felter (EMF)
Dette Philips-apparat overholder alle standarder i forhold til elektromagnetiske felter (EMF).
Hvis apparatet håndteres korrekt i henhold til instruktionerne i denne brugervejledning, er det
sikkert at bruge baseret på de forskningsresultater, der er adgang til på nuværende tidspunkt.
Dit produkt er udviklet og fremstillet med materialer og komponenter af høj kvalitet,
som kan genbruges.
Når et produkt bærer et affaldsspandssymbol med et kryds på, betyder det, at
produktet er underlagt det europæiske direktiv 2002/96/EC:
Bortskaf aldrig produktet sammen med andet husholdningsaffald. Sørg for at kende de
lokale regler om separat indsamling af elektriske og elektroniske produkter. Korrekt
bortskaffelse af udtjente produkter er med til at forhindre negativ påvirkning af miljøet
og menneskers helbred.
3 Oversigt
a Nedstopper
g Juicebeholder
b Låg med påfyldningstragt
h Udløbstud
c Filter
i Låseklemme
d Drivaksel
j Juicekande med låg
e Frugtkødsbeholder
k Rum til ledningsopbevaring
f Kontrolknap
4 Før apparatet tages i brug
Sørg for at rengøre de dele, der kommer i berøring med mad, inden du bruger apparatet første
gang (se afsnittet ”Rengøring”).
Kontroller altid filteret før brug. Hvis du konstaterer nogen former for revner eller skader, må apparatet
ikke anvendes.
Sørg for, at låseklemmerne på begge sider af låget er korrekt fastlåst.
Sæt låget på saftkanden efter presning for at holde saften frisk længere.
5 Sådan bruges juiceren
Før du starter, skal du sørge for at samle apparatet som vist i Fig. 2.
Du kan bruge juiceren til frugt- og grøntsagsjuice.
Lad ikke juiceren køre i mere end 40 sekunder.
Drej kontrolknappen til indstilling 1 (lav hastighed) eller 2 (normal hastighed).
Hastighed 1 er specielt velegnet til bløde frugter og grøntsager, f.eks. vandmeloner, vindruer, tomater
og agurker.
Hastighed 2 er velegnet til alle andre slags frugt og grøntsager, f.eks. æbler, gulerødder og rødbeder.
Læg ikke for meget pres på nedstopperen, da dette kan påvirke kvaliteten af det endelige resultat. Du
kan også risikere, at filteret går i stå.
Stik aldrig fingre eller genstande ned i påfyldningsrøret.
Hvis frugtkødsbeholderen bliver fyldt op under brug, skal du slukke for apparatet og forsigtigt tage
beholderen ud og tømme den.
Sæt den tomme frugtkødsbeholder på plads, før du tænder for juiceren igen.
Når du har presset alle ingredienserne, og saftstrømmen er stoppet, hælder du saften fra kanden op i
NL Gebruiksaanwijzing
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DA Brugervejledning
DE Benutzerhandbuch
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FI Käyttöopas
Mode d’emploi
Manuale utente