4 exit – Bay Technical Associates U140E116-02 User Manual

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By responding to the Enter Request: message at the end of the V93A menu
with “M” you receive a response similar to the following:

Device A (2,1).................... 1

Device B (2,2).................... 2

Device C (2,3).................... 3

Device D (2,4).................... 4

Device A (3,1).................... 5

Device B (3,2).................... 6

Device C (3,3).................... 7

Device D (3,4).................... 8

Configure ............................... C

Manual Mode ............................. M


Unit Reset .............................. R

Logout .................................. T

Enter Request: M

Enter Module number: 2

Enter Port number ( for none): 3

By entering “2” at the Enter Module number and entering “3” at the Enter
Port number,
the user has selected module number 2 and port number 3.
Verify the connection by insuring that the red LED of Port 3, Module 2 on the
front panel of the M-Series DAC base unit has been selected.



By responding to the Enter Request: message in the V93A Status &
Diagnostics Menu with “X” (Exit), you will exit the V93A Status &
Diagnostics Menu. The V93A host module will respond with a menu that is
similar to the following:

> X