Maintenance – Briggs & Stratton Home Generator User Manual

Page 14

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Setting Exercise Timer

The home generator is equipped with an exercise timer that

will start and exercise the system once every seven days.

During this exercise period, the unit runs for approximately

20 minutes and then shuts down. Electrical load transfer

DOES NOT occur during the exercise cycle (unless a utility

power outage occurs).
A button on the control panel is labeled “Set Exercise” (see

System Control Panel). The specific day and the specific

time of day this button is pressed is programmed into the

control board memory. This date and time is then used

to automatically initiate the system exercise cycle. The

“SET EXERCISE” legend on the control panel will flash until

the set exercise cycle is set.
To perform the Set Exercise procedure:
1. Choose the day and time you want your home generator

to exercise.

2. On that day and time, press and hold down the

“Set Exercise” button for three seconds.

NOTE: “SET EXERCISE” will flash until the button is pressed

for three seconds, then “SET EXERCISE” will illuminate for

5 seconds, and finally turn off.
For example, if you press the “Set Exercise” button on

Sunday morning at 10:00 AM, the unit will run an exercise

cycle the following Sunday at 10:00 AM (+/- 1/2 hour).
NOTE: “Set Exercise” will only work if the unit is in the

Automatic mode and this exact procedure is followed. The

exerciser will need to be re-set if the 15 Amp fuse is removed

or changed, or if the 12 Volt DC battery is disconnected.
If you want to change the day and time the unit exercises,

simply perform the “Set Exercise” procedure at the exact

weekday and time you want it to take place.


Servicing the System

To service system:
1. Set the system switch to OFF.
2. Set the generator’s main circuit breaker to its OFF


3. Utility voltage is present. Disconnect power before

servicing by removing the two 2 Amp fuses from the

transfer switch.

Fault Detection System

The generator may have to run for long periods of time with

no operator present. For that reason, the system is equipped

with sensors that automatically shut down the generator in

the event of potentially damaging conditions, such as low

oil pressure, high oil temperature, over speed, and other

The generator’s control panel has a digital display that shows

fault codes, like “FC_1”. The table below lists the detected

fault, the fault code as displayed on the control panel, and

the number of blinks seen on the remote LED indicator.

Fault Description

Fault Codes

LED Flashes

Low battery voltage



Low oil pressure



Low voltage



Engine fails to start



Low frequency



Engine overspeed



High temperature



Transfer switch fault



The remote LED indicator is installed at a convenient inside

location. The LED will remain lit when the generator is in

AUTO. The LED will turn on and off in a series of blinks that

correspond to the fault detected in your home generator. The

blink pattern is repeated with a brief pause between each

series of blinks.

Reset Fault Detection System
The operator must reset the fault detection system each time

it activates. To do so, place the system switch in the OFF

position for 5 seconds or more. Remedy the fault condition,

then return the home generator to service by placing the

system switch in the AUTO position.