Bunn -O-Matic Brewer Axiom User Manual

Page 6

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This function allows the operator to choose wheth-
er or not to display an advertising message. An
ad can be saved to the brewer by writing the ad
using the programming commands. This message
will be displayed when the brewer is idle.

Procedure to Enable/Disable Ads:
1. Press and hold the right hidden switch until

the display reads "BrewWIZARD" then release.
Press and release the right hidden switch until
the display reads "ENABLE ADS ?". The "YES"
or "NO" will be fl ashing to indicate the current

2. Press and release the "NO" switch to disable

this function, or:

3. Press and release the "YES" switch to enable

this function.

4. When

fi nished, press and release "DONE" to

save the new setting and advance to the next
function screen.

5. If "NO" was selected, the display should now

read "ENTER SERVICE #?". To exit program-
ming and return to the MAIN SCREEN, press
and release the "ENABLE BREW ON/OFF"

6. If "YES" was selected, the display should now

read "NEW AD?". This screen allows you to
write a new ad.

7. The display should now read "2 LINES 16

then "WRITE TOP LINE?". The ad can be up
to 32 characters long, 16 per line. The ad will
be written in two steps, fi rst the top line, then
the bottom line.

9. To write the top line of a new ad, press and

release "YES". To skip the top line and only
write a bottom line, press and release "NO"
and proceed to step 13. To exit program-
ming and return to the MAIN SCREEN, press
and release the "ENABLE BREW ON/OFF"

10. The display will now read "A" with a fl ashing

cursor below it. Press and hold the "SCROLL"
switch to scroll through the alphabet and avail-

able characters. When the desired character
is shown on the display, press and release
"NEXT" to move to the next character in the
top line.

11. Repeat step 10 until the top line is com-


12. Press and release "DONE". The display should

now read "WRITE BTM LINE?".

13. To write the bottom line of the new ad, press

and release "YES".

14. To skip the bottom line, press and release


a. If neither a top nor bottom line was writ-
ten, the display should now read "ENTER

b. If only a top line was written, the ad will
be displayed followed by "SAVE?" Proceed to
step 18.

15. The display will now read A with a fl ashing

cursor below it. Press and hold the "SCROLL"
switch to scroll through the alphabet and avail-
able characters. When the desired character
is shown on the display, press and release
"NEXT" to move to the next character in the
bottom line.

16. Repeat step 15 until the bottom line is com-


17. Press and release "DONE". The display will

now show the written ad, and then "SAVE?"

18. To cancel saving the ad, press and release

"NO". The display should now read "ADVER-
TISEMENT NOT SAVED!" and then will return
to the "NEW AD" screen. To exit program-
ming and return to the MAIN SCREEN, press
and release the "ENABLE BREW ON/OFF"

19. To correct or edit the ad, press and release

"EDIT". The display should now read "WRITE
TOP LINE?" Repeat steps 10 though 17.

20. To save the ad as it is shown, press and re-

lease "YES". The display should now read
and then "ENTER SERVICE #?". To exit pro-
gramming and return to the MAIN SCREEN,
press and release the "ENABLE BREW ON/
OFF" switch.

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