Pioneer GEX-500DVB User Manual

Page 23

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This screen allows the user to sort the services of the current list either by alphabetical order, either manually by
moving a service in the list.

Mark the channel the channel by using the


Press OK
Use rectangle to select channel

keys to move channel to your desired place

Use OK button to confirm the move
Press the exit button to complete the process
By alphabetical order
Use the colored function key to ‘sort ‘the entire channel in the alphabetical order
The channel selected in the favorites list are placed ahead of those not selected

Only the services of the favorite list are presented.

By pressing the red key, the services are automatically alphabetically ordered.
The green key is used to sort the services manually. A new screen is displayed.

The services numbering is updated according to the sort.

Figur e 21: Sor t/Move a pr ogr am scr een

This screen allows the user to move manually the services of the current list.

The user selects the service to move, goes to the new place and validates. The service is moved to the selected place
in the list.

Figur e 22: Move a pr ogr am scr een

3.7 Sor t/Move pr ogr am scr een

3.8 Move pr ogr am scr een