Pioneer GEX-500DVB User Manual

Page 19

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-To get better sharpness try to find an open space or get to higher ground.

-Colors indicators

Red=poor reception.

Orange=average reception.

Green=good reception.

-If no reception or bars appear, check the antenna connection, after that enter a different channel to obtain a different

-Once successfully check the connection and reception press the exit button to restart the installation.

When exiting the first time installation, a screen of end of first time installation is displayed for 2 seconds. This
screen is only displayed when the first time installation has been performed.

Figur e11: End of fir st time installation scr een

When the first time installation has been performed, all the other starts of the STB (Set Top Box) are “normal starts”.
In these cases, when the STB (Set Top Box) is woken-up by the user, a download report screen is displayed if new
system software has been downloaded.

If no download report screen has to be displayed, it goes directly to the NIT (Network Information Table) and SDT
(service Description Table) are acquired in a background task. If new services are found the service lists are updated
and a popup is displayed to inform the user about the update. The list of new services are displayed in the “new
services screen” accessible from main menu.


2.1.6 End of first time installation