Special system trouble display – ADT Security Services 8112 User Manual
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Entry Delay Tone and Display
When you enter an armed system through a point
programmed for entry delay, the command center
emits a repeating tweedle tone and displays DISARM
NOW to remind you to turn off your security system.
If you fail to turn off the security system before the
entry delay time expires, it may sound the burglary
tone and may also send an alarm report to your
security company.
Exit Delay Tone and Display
After you arm your system, the command center emits
a repeating beep tone, displays EXIT NOW, and
counts down the exit delay time.
Special System Trouble Display
examples of system trouble displays. These displays
appear on all keypads in the system. All system trouble
displays begin with SERVC. See Standard Displays
for a description of each system trouble display.
Entering your passcode or a COMMAND 4 will silence
a system trouble tone, but the SERVC display will not
clear until the faulted condition is corrected.
Cleared Events Are Not Lost
If you clear the alarms and troubles from the display,
you can still view all the events that occurred since the
last time the system was armed by using COMMAND
40 (View Event Memory).