Command workstation 4, Fiery freeform window, Archive – Konica Minolta bizhub PRO C500 User Manual

Page 2: Colorwise, Pro tools, Docbuilder, Job log window, Search & find server

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Search & Find Job

Job Properties

Import & Export Job




Fiery FreeForm Window


Create personalized documents with EFI’s simple-to-use

variable data printing solution. It works well with virtually all

platforms and applications.

Electronics For Imaging, Inc. • 303 Velocity Way , Foster City, CA 94404 USA • Tel: 1.650.357.3500 •

© 2002 Electronics For Imaging, Inc.





Pro Tools





Seamlessly impose and merge raster data from more than one

job or application. DocBuilder Pro allows you to edit and modify

jobs to create booklets, business cards, and calendars. You can

edit PDF jobs quickly and easily without compromising color,

fonts, or job properties. It will also allow you to merge jobs of

different page sizes into landscape or portrait layout without

relying on other graphics applications.

Job Log Window


Search & Find Server

View job activity records—ideal for archiving, billing, and

accounting purposes. The Job Log window allows for printing or

exporting records into other applications, such as spreadsheets

or databases.

This easy-to-use utility enables you to search

and add Fiery servers. You can locate servers by

using the AutoSearch function, or specify the

Fiery server name, specific IP address, or IP

address range.

You can easily download and export fonts, as

well as PostScript, PDF, and EPS jobs.

Search and find local or archived jobs based

on multiple parameters. You can select the

advanced feature to search for jobs with

specific job properties.



’s comprehensive color management tools

include utilities for calibrating, color editing, profiling,

managing profiles, and setting system defaults.

Archive jobs to the Fiery hard drive, network server,

or removable media.

You can select a single job or a group of jobs and easily change

job properties.

Command WorkStation 4

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