Appendix b, Sb710 raid, Appendx b – MSI 785GTM-E45 User Manual

Page 85

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The ntegrate one SATA host controller separately, and

support RAID functon for performance and relablty.

SB710 SATA RAID (SATA1~6) provdes support for

RAID 0 (Strpng), RAID 1 (Mrrorng) & RAID 10 (Strpng

& Mrrorng). RAID 0 greatly mproves hard dsk I/O per-

formance by concurrently strpng data across multple

drves. RAID 1 makes sure data s not lost f a drve fals

as data s smultaneously wrtten to two drves. Drves

configured for RAID Strpng are sad to form a RAID 0

set, whle drves configured for RAID Mrrorng are sad

to form a RAID 1 set. RAID 10 s mplemented as a mr-

rored array whose segments are RAID 0 arrays. RAID

10 has same fault tolerance as mrrorng and reduces

overhead by strpng. It needs at least four drves to form

a RAID 10.

Appendx B