Boot – MSI Z68A-GD80 (B3) Manual User Manual

Page 62

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BIOS Setup


Full Screen Logo Dsplay

Ths tem enables ths system to show the company logo on the boot-up screen. Set-

tngs are:


Shows a stll mage (logo) on the full screen at boot.


Shows the POST messages at boot.

== Boot Opton Prortes==

Boot optons

You can select the boot prortes n these Boot tems.

USB HardDsk Drve BBS Prortes/ USB CD/DVD ROM Drve BBS Prortes/ UEFI

Boot Drve BBS Prortes

Boot Optons

You can select the USB harddsk drve/ UEFI boot drve boot prortes n these Boot

Opton tems.