Chapter 2 – MSI Z68A-GD80 (G3) Manual User Manual

Page 53

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BIOS Setup


Chapter 2


BIOS Setup


Chapter 2


The HPET (Hgh Precson Event Tmers) s a component that s part of the chpset.

You can enable t, and wll provde you wth the means to get to t va the varous

ACPI methods.

Integrated Graphcs Configuraton

Press to enter the sub-menu.

Vrtu Technology

Enable or Dsable Vrtu GPU Swtchng Technology (f supported).


Provdes power savng features and specal processor



Uncompromsed 3D performance from the dscrete GPU

Intate Graphc Adapter

Choose whch adapter you wsh to make the prmary opton


Integrated Graphcs Dsplay


PCI-Express Graphcs Devce

IGD Mult-Montor

Enables both ntegrated and dscrete graphcs at the same tme. When dsabled, t

wll default to Intated Graphcs Adapter selecton.

USB Configuraton

Press to enter the sub-menu.

USB Controller

Ths tem allows you to enable/ dsable the ntegrated USB 2.0 controller.

Legacy USB Support

Enable or dsable support for USB keyboards, mce and floppy drves. You wll be

able to use these devces wth operatng systems that do not support USB.

Onboard USB 3.0 Controller

Ths tem allows you to enable/ dsable the USB 3.0 controller.

Hgh-Speed USB lnk

Use ths tem to select the USB lnk source for the USB 3.0 port(s) whch be nstalled

usng USB 2.0 devce(s).

Hardware Montor

Press to enter the sub-menu.

CPU Smart Fan Target

Controls CPU fan speed automatcally dependng on the current temperature and

to keep t wth a specfic range. If the current CPU temperature reaches the target

value, the smart fan functon wll be actvated.

CPU/ System Temperature, CPU FAN/ SYS FAN 1/ 2/ 3/ 4 Speed

These tems show the current status of all of the montored hardware devces/ com-

ponents such as CPU temperature/ system temperature and all fans’ speeds.