Chapter 2 – MSI Z77A-GD65 GAMING User Manual

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Chapter 2

Wndows 8 Feature

When enabled, the system wll swtch to the UEFI mode to meet the Wndows 8 logo

requrement. Before enablng ths tem, please make sure all nstalled devces &

utltes (hardware & software) meet the Wndows 8 system requrements.


Enables the Wndows 8 support.


Dsables the Wndows 8 support.

MSI Fast Boot

MSI Fast Boot functon provdes the optmal fast boot performance.


Enables the MSI Fast Boot functon. And the followng related "Fast

Boot" tems wll be dsabled and fixed.


Dsables the MSI Fast Boot functon.

Fast Boot

Ths tem wll only be avalable When "MSI Fast Boot" s dsabled.


Enables the Wndows 8 Fast Boot functon and some tems wll be

showed up for users to set the Wndows 8 Fast Boot events.


Dsables the Wndows 8 Fast Boot functon.

USB Support

Ths tem appears when “Fast Boot” s enabled.

[Dsabled] Dsables all ntalzatons of USB devces durng POST for faster

boot tme.

[Full Intal] Enables all ntalzatons of USB devces durng POST. It wll extend

the boot tme.

PS2 Devces Support

Ths tem appears when “Fast Boot” s enabled.

[Dsabled] Dsables the PS2 devces durng POST for faster boot tme.


Enables the PS2 devces. It wll extend the boot tme.

SATA Devce Support

Ths tem appears when “Fast Boot” s enabled.

[Dsabled] Dsables the SATA devces durng POST for faster boot tme.


Enables the SATA devces. It wll extend the boot tme.

Internal GOP Configuraton

Ths sub-menu shows the related GOP nformaton.

Secure Boot

Press to enter the sub-menu. Ths sub-menu allows you to set the related

secure boot settngs and keys of Wndows to prevent the unauthorzed access.

Wake Up Event Setup

Press to enter the sub-menu.

Wake Up Event By

Settng to [BIOS] actvates the followng fields, and use the followng fields to set the

wake up events. Settng to [OS], the wake up events wll be defined by OS.