MSI Z77A-GD65 GAMING User Manual
Page 56

BIOS Setup
USB Configuraton
USB Controller
Ths tem allows you to enable/ dsable the ntegrated USB 2.0 controller.
Legacy USB Support
Enable or dsable support for USB keyboards, mce and floppy drves. You wll be
able to use these devces wth operatng systems that do not support USB.
Hardware Montor
CPU Smart Fan Target
Controls CPU fan speed automatcally dependng on the current temperature and
to keep t wth a specfic range. If the current CPU temperature reaches the target
value, the smart fan functon wll be actvated.
SYS Fan1/ 2 Control
These tems allow users to select how percentage of speed for the SYSFAN1/ 2.
CPU/ System Temperature, CPU FAN/ SYS FAN 1/ 2 Speed
These tems show the current status of all of the montored hardware devces/ com-
ponents such as CPU temperature/ system temperature and all fans’ speeds.
Intel(R) Smart Connect Configuraton
Intel(R) Smart Connect Technology
Ths feature can update applcatons (ex. emal and socal networks) by perodcally
wakng your system from sleep mode. And you do not have to wat for the applca-
tons to update when you wake up the system.
Enables Intel smart connect technology.
Dsables Intel smart connect technology.
Power Management Setup
EuP 2013
Energy Usng Products Lot 6 2013 (EUP) reduces power consumpton when system
s off or n standby mode.
Note: When enabled, the system wll not support RTC wake up event functons.
Restore after AC Power Loss
Ths tem specfies whether your system wll reboot after a power falure or nterrupt
occurs. Settngs are:
[Power Off]
Always leaves the computer n the power off state.
[Power On]
Always leaves the computer n the power on state.
[Last State]
Restore the system to the status before power falure or nterrupt
Wndows 8 Configuraton