When assistance is required – ADIC DS9000 Series User Manual
Page 48

Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
When Assistance is Required
Calling ADIC’s
Center (ATAC)
Customer Support is provided free of charge to all ADIC customers who have a maintenance or warranty agreement.
Customers should provide the unit’s serial number when calling for support.
Warranty exchange service is available to all customers who have validated their warranty by returning the warranty
card shipped with their unit, in accordance with the terms of the warranty.
Before calling ATAC, follow these steps:
5 Consult the documentation to solve any problems. Most questions are answered in the documentation.
5 Identify whether the software or hardware worked properly anytime before the call was made. Also note if
anything was changed in the system recently.
5 Pinpoint the exact location of the problem, if possible. Note the steps you took which led to the problem.
Can the user recreate the problem or is it a one-time occurrence?
5 Note any error messages displayed on the PC screen or file server and record the exact error message.
5 If possible, call while at the computer with the ADIC system installed and turned on.
If running on a network, collect all pertinent information (model type, version #, network hardware, etc.)
and be prepared to share it.
5 Be prepared to provide the following information:
Company name
ADIC model number
Serial number of ADIC unit
Hardware configuration
Software configuration
A brief description of the problem
Where the ADIC system was purchased.
If this information is readily available when calling customer support, ADIC will be able to resolve the problem
more quickly and efficiently.
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Please note that ADIC telephone support services are not provided as a substitute for proper review and use of
applicable ADIC user manuals.