Aqua Bath CP6036BF (Std Center Drain) User Manual
Page 7

SPEC-DATAª and MANU-SPECª are registered trademarks of Reed Elsevier Inc. The ten part SPEC-DATA format conforms to the editorial style
of The Construction Specifications Institute and is used with their permission. The manufacturer is responsible for technical accuracy. ©2005 Reed Construction Data. All Rights Reserved.
grout quickly and continuously using light rod-
ding to eliminate air bubbles.
When properly mixed to a fluid consistency
QUIKRETE Non-Shrink Precision Grout will com-
ply with all portions of ASTM C1107 and CRD
621 and retain a fluid consistency for the max-
imum usable working times stated in Table 3.
Grout temperature should be maintained from
50 - 90 degrees F (10 - 32 degrees C) to achieve
specified results. Use cold water in hot weather
or hot water in cold weather to achieve desired
grout temperature. Do not pour grout if tem-
perature is expected to go below 32 degrees F
(0 degrees C) within a 12 hour period.
A damp cure of at least 3 days is necessary to
control the nonshrink characteristics and
maintain strength levels.
6. Availability
QUIKRETE Non-Shrink Precision Grout is avail-
able at leading concrete construction supply
houses and distributors. Contact QUIKRETE
Construction Products for the name of the
nearest dealer.
7. Warranty
The QUIKRETE Companies warrant this product
to be of merchantable quality when used or
applied in accordance with the instructions
herein. The product is not warranted as suit-
able for any purpose or use other than the
general purpose for which it is intended.
Liability under this warranty is limited to the
replacement of its product (as purchased)
found to be defective, or at the shipping
companies’ option, to refund the purchase
price. In the event of a claim under this war-
ranty, notice must be given to The QUIKRETE
Companies in writing. This limited warranty is
issued and accepted in lieu of all other
express warranties and expressly excludes
liability for consequential damages.
8. Maintenance
None required.
9. Technical Services
The QUIKRETE Companies maintain technical
field representatives throughout the country.
Contact a local distributor for the name and
number of the nearest representative, or call
QUIKRETE Construction Products.
10. Filing Systems
• First Source«
• Additional product information is available
from the manufacturer.
The QUIKRETE Companies