5 scsi configuration commands, Scsiinitid, Scsiportbusspeed – ATTO Technology 2500C User Manual

Page 56: Scsiportlist, Scsiportreset, Scsiportresetonstartup, Scsiportseltimeout, Scsiportsynctransfer, Scsiporttermination, Scsiportwidetransfer

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ATTO Technology Inc. iPBridge Installation and Operation Manual

7.1.5 SCSI configuration commands

The SCSI ports are configured with default settings but may be customized to your specifications using
the CLI commands in this section.

Specifies the SCSI initiator ID to be used on the specified
SCSI port. All maps coinciding with the user-specified
SCSIInitID must be set to offline and becomes invalid
upon issuing this command. Choices are 0 to 15.

Default: 7
Set syntax: set SCSIInitID [sb [0-15] ]
Requires a SaveConfiguration command
Get syntax: get SCSIInitID

Controls the transfer rate at which the iPBridge tries to
negotiate with its SCSI devices.

Default: Ultra3
Set syntax: set SCSIPortBusSpeed [sb [fast | ultra | ultra2
| ultra3]
Requires a SaveConfiguration command
Get syntax: get SCSIPortBusSpeed [PortNum]

Returns a list of available SCSI ports and their current
status. Valid status values are O.K. and Failed.

Immediate command: SCSIPortList

Resets the specified SCSI bus.

Immediate command: SCSIPortReset [sb]

Specifies whether the SCSI port should be reset on power-
up or not.

Default: enabled
Set syntax: set SCSIPortResetOnStartup [sb [enabled |
disabled] ]
Requires a SaveConfiguration command
Get syntax: get SCSIPortResetOnStartup [sb]

Indicates the time, in milliseconds, that the bridge waits
for a response from a SCSI device on the selected port
after a selection request.

Information only command: get SCSIPortSelTimeout [sb]

Specifies whether synchronous SCSI transfers should be
negotiated with devices on the specified SCSI port.

Default: enabled
Set syntax: set SCSIPortSyncTransfer [[sb [enabled |
disabled] ]
Requires a SaveConfiguration command
Get syntax: get SCSIPortSyncTransfer [sb]

Configures/reports the SCSI internal termination of the
SCSI port identified.

Default: enabled
Set syntax: set SCSIPortTermination [sb [ enabled |
Requires a SaveConfiguration command
Get syntax: get SCSIPortTermination [sb]

Specifies whether wide SCSI transfers should be

Default: enabled
Set syntax: set SCSIPortWideTransfer [sb [enabled |
disabled] ]
Requires a SaveConfiguration command
Get syntax: get SCSIPortWideTransfer [sb]

Returns a list of SCSI devices operational on the
referenced SCSI port. Also updates the current logical to
physical address mapping configuration by updating the
status of any online maps/routes to unavailable if a device
is not found or to online if a device is found at the
respective SCSI address.

Immediate command: SCSITargets [sb]