Wildgame Innovations VTX-D User Manual
Page 11

General Safety
Always protect your eyes from flying feed or seed
Do not put your hands or fingers near or on the
dispersement mechanism once the battery is connected
Always disconnect the battery when transporting the unit,
or damage to the timer could occur
You will start to notice a reduction in the feed dispersement
pattern if your battery begins to lose its charge. If you notice
such a reduction, either replace the battery with a 6-Volt
battery or, in the event that a rechargable battery is in use,
remove the existing battery and re-charge it accordingly.
By disconnecting the battery for maintenance, you will have
caused the digital timer to lose its current time. Once you
re-connect the battery, you will need to re-program the
current time. All the feed time, and duration settings will
have been saved into virtual memory, thus not requiring you
to re-program.